Top inspirational quote t-shirt designs

Top Inspirational Quote T-Shirt Designs

An excellent motivational quote can hit the spot when you need a little dose of perspective. A simple Google search for the word "quotes" tallies 3.2 BILLION results (in .53 seconds, if that matters to anyone these days).  


Often regarded as the most famous quote: Fortune favors the bold - Virgil is an excellent example of what makes a good quote. It is short, but in only four words, it motivates, inspires, and compels you to act.  


Let's take that simple phrase, for example. Fortune favors the bold. You may think to yourself; I want fortune. Maybe you want more fortune in your life. That might require you to be bold. Perhaps you should ask that person at the gym out on a date or your boss for that raise you feel you deserve.


Those four words cause you to stop and reflect on your entire life. Not bad for one of the top motivational quotes ever. 


A good quote is powerful that way. Its the simplicity. It's valuable because it has been refined and stripped of all the fluffy content and gets right to the core of the idea. Deep yet digestible. 


There is a lot of content and interest in short blurbs of text that capture the best way to say something. Perhaps it is because someone has captured an idea that we may have had, but so concisely, that makes a good quote so delicious. 


However, the problem with the perfect inspirational quote is that it is often forgotten shortly after reading. And even if you can remember it, it is usually only retained vaguely. How often have you said, "I'm probably butchering this quote, but..."


The value of a quote depends on the person. Some positive quotes are so meaningful that they are core values for organizations or families—countless corporate team-building graphic tee shirts sport ideas about working together and goals.


But while the big box stores might come across as a bit bland, we think that a good t-shirt print is possibly the best way to carry on motivational quotes.  


Think about it for a moment. Reading an excellent quote in your journal may prompt some reflection or cause you to smile. But unless you come back to it repeatedly, you'll probably file it away in your mind and never use it again. 


Not many of us carry around a journal of life quotes we want to reread each day.


That is where State Of Mind apparel has found its home.  


We first noticed the use (poor) use of quotes on shirts at the gym. So many haphazardly designed shirts, all certainly made with good intentions, were left to be worn at the gym. (Other common uses are gardening, camping, and shop rags)


Shirts with quotes about "going the distance" from the annual 5k food drive in American Fork, Utah, or other swag shirts from IBM or other boring Fortune 500 companies seem to litter the gym.


We thought, why not be very intentional about the shirts we wear. We wanted shirts that had designs around inspirational quotes. But not just any quote.  


We needed our shirts to have motivational sayings that gave you super powers. And maybe even shirts that were inspirational to those around you. 


Our target audience is the person that not just likes to read motivational quotes, but also wants to live by them. In the true spirit of quotes, our t-shirt design process is simple. We don't clutter up the shirts with fancy graphics or distractions.


When you wear a State of Mind graphic tee, you are literally carrying the message as a symbol and reminder of what matters to you.  


The State of Mind Apparel brand was created as a side hustle but has since grown into one of the most popular global brands for inspirational shirts. 


Some of the latest versions of our inspiration quote t-shirts include saying from the most prominent minds in history. You'll find great quotes from Ralph Waldo Emerson, Seneca, Marcus Aurelius, René Descartes, Lao Tzu, Friedrich Nietzsche, Ayn Rand, Stephen King, and Henry Ford. The list grows bigger every day. 


While many companies focus their energy on funny quotes or canvas prints, our intention is to help you bare yours - with graphic tees that can be worn as many times as you'd like. 


For this reason, our graphic tees with motivational quotes have become the perfect gift for sharing messages that matter with friends and family.  


The world does not need any more meaningless graphic tees full of boring logos and corporate slogans. State of Mind Apparel wants to inspire and motivate through intellectual quotes and ideas that have stood the test of time.


As Albert Einstein said, "Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value." A t-shirt print can have value through its message.  


You may be wondering if so much time is spent on the motivational quotes; how about the quality of the shirts? We did not skimp there either. As a matter of fact, one of our company's core values is inspired by Martha Beck: "how you do anything is how you do everything."


All of our t-shirt prints are made to order on high-quality materials that are durable and designed to fit great. Many of our graphic tees can be worn by men or women.  


To make finding and wearing your top inspirational shirts or motivational saying even better, any order over $100 with a shipping address in the USA will qualify for free shipping!   


The best way to carry the messages that mean the most to you without getting them permanently tattooed on your body is to wear them and share them with our graphic tees.  


Wearing the motivational quotes as a t-shirt is a confidence booster and a great reminder of what you stand for.  


Check out the latest version of our graphic tee collection HERE or continue on to see some recent designs:

The world is changed by your example, not your opinion - Paulo Coelho.  We LOVE this quote.  So often we hear armchair experts professing the best way to do something, but those people seem frequently to be the ones who are least likely to do anything about it.  This message is for them.  If you want to see a change, then be the change!


Everybody dies, not everyone lives.  Attribution for this quote seemed a bit uncertain, but we've heard it in everything from rap songs to poems.  No matter the source, it is a call to put down your armor and fears and get out there.  The world can be scary.  Scarier still is never seeing the world.


Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one. Marcus Aurelius.  This quote ranks on our top 5 list and for so many reasons.  Not only is the message amazing, but the fact that it came from one of the most prominent leaders in the last 2,000 years, makes it that much more impactful.  Marcus was a Stoic, Roman General, Father and much more. 


Imagining the pressure he was constantly under, the opportunities, distractions, and yet, he spent time thinking about being a good man... where so many before him and so many since, have failed makes this message all the more valuable.  We have no excuse not to be better people for our families and friends.


 Do I look like I care what you think.  This shirt was inspired by a scene in I Robot where Will Smith was attacked in a tunnel by robots.  His boss was having a hard time believing that he was attacked vs. Will Smith causing the fight.  As he walked away from the scene of the incident, he repeated this phrase to some onlookers.  We like it because, like Will Smith, we know how we feel or what is happening and what you think does not matter to me.  Sometimes remembering to not care what other people think is harder said than done.  This shirt serves as the reminder we need.

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